SCI USB2Serial (COM7) Driver For Shuttle - SH55J. SCI USB2Serial (COM7) Driver For Shuttle - SH55J.
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Script written by. 2019-08-11.
3. Install FlashTool for your device.
Flashtool download spd flash tool for your device.
Supported devices:
H5/3/2/1SH45C H5/3/2/1SH46C.
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A. Buy SCI USB2Serial (COM7) SH55J driver on this website.
Zip File Link:
Zip File Link:
Zip File Link:
Zip File Link:
Zip File Link:
Zip File Link:
B. To install a driver manually, follow the instructions below:
1. Install the device driver to the working drive, then disconnect the device from the computer.
2. Boot the computer into the BIOS mode and choose the driver to install.
3. Install the driver to the working drive, then connect the device to the computer.
If the driver is an.exe file, you need to double-click it. Click it once to start the installation, and click it a second time to install the driver.
Click it once to start the installation, and click it a second time to install the driver.
To cancel the installation, simply close the window and choose the appropriate driver from the list to install.
SCI USB2Serial (COM7) SH55J driver installation instructions.
SCI USB2Serial (COM7) SH55J USB driver installation on Windows.
SCI USB2Serial (COM7) ac619d1d87
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